When An Emergency or Pandemic Strikes Are You Prepared?
Natural disasters, pandemics, and emergencies can occur with little to no warning, and with no certainty of the length and extent of the event. They don’t wait for response plans, budget allocations, and communication strategies to be developed before their impacts are felt. Waiting for another pandemic or emergency to occur before preparing can be too late.
This is where Owens & Minor can help. When you partner with us you benefit from proactive, customized, and actionable preparedness plans designed to enhance your response while eliminating unnecessary costs and disruptions and enabling you to focus on the critical work of caring for patients during a crisis. The strategies and solutions we design are focused on keeping your supply chain strong and ready to care for patients.
Learn how we can work with you to develop and implement a preparedness plan that is best suited to support your supply chain needs, your budget and your capabilities.
Pandemic Preparedness Library
This resource library contains a wide variety of tools, resources, and checklists to aid any healthcare facility with pandemic preparedness. Preparedness is not a time-limited activity, but rather an ongoing process that must be supported by the facility’s executive leadership. These resources are meant to serve as a comprehensive reference for any preparedness needs. With proper planning, healthcare facilities and providers can respond favorably to future threats from pathogens.